Implementing Transformative Service Initiatives across the Transformative Refugee Service Experience Framework
To read the TCR 2023 extended description for 'Implementing Transformative Service Initiatives across the Transformative Refugee Service Experience Framework', click here.
Location: McCrea Building, Room 2-01
Track Co-chairs
Track Members
Silke Boenigk, Professor of Business Administration, Universität Hamburg, Germany
Silke Boenigk is a Professor of Business Administration at Universität Hamburg, Germany, with a focus on management aspects of public, private, and nonprofit organizations. With a PhD in service management, she is an internationally recognized expert in nonprofit marketing and donor relationship management. Her research interests include transformative service initiatives, service inclusion, and all other transformative service research topics related to refugees. Since 2015, she is the refugee representative of Universität Hamburg and responsible for a large refugee study orientation program called #uhhhilft. Her research has been published in both leading service and nonprofit management journals including the Journal of Service Research (best article award 2021), Journal of Happiness Studies, Journal of Relationship Marketing, Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing, Nonprofit Management & Leadership, Journal of Public and Nonprofit Sector Marketing, International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, and Public Administration.
Laura Hesse, Third Year PhD Candidate and Research Assistant, Business Administration, Universität Hamburg, Germany
Laura Hesse is a third year PhD candidate and research assistant in the field of Business Administration at Universität Hamburg, Germany, with a focus on management aspects of public, private, and nonprofit organizations. Her research interests focus on Peer Engagement, Transformative Service Research, and Data Philanthropy. She has earned a research-oriented master’s degree and gained experience in data management and data analysis. At the Universität Hamburg she teaches methodology and nonprofit management courses on bachelor and master level. Her dissertation focuses on peer-to-peer engagement in the third sector.
Andres Mora, Breaking Barriers
Andres Mora works in the Corporate Partnership team at Breaking Barriers, which is a national charity that supports refugees into meaningful employment. Before joining Breaking Barriers, Andres was a service manager for organisations such as Refugee Action and Caritas Salford where he ran projects including the Homes for Ukraine scheme in Birmingham or Caritas Aspire, a project that offers education and integration services to refugees in Greater Manchester. Andres has gained experience in these areas, working as a manager for close to 6 years in refugee integration services based in the U.K and as a classroom teacher in various settings. He is also a keen advocate for refugee rights, having studied its legal and policy dimensions through his Masters of Law program and clinical legal placements. These academic and professional experiences have enabled Andres to work in a range of countries, including Hong Kong, Australia, and the U.K.
Amir Raki, Lecturer in Marketing, University of Liverpool Management School; PhD Candidate in Marketing, Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester
Amir Raki is Lecturer in Marketing at University of Liverpool Management School and PhD Candidate in Marketing at Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK. His research interest lies in the intersection of Transformative Service Research (TSR), service design and consumer vulnerability. His PhD is entitled “Designing Transformative Services for Refugees”, where he studies service provision for refugees in the UK, with a focus on employability and educational services, to understand how service design can facilitate refugees` wellbeing. Amir is a recipient of The University of Manchester Doctoral Scholarship and a winner of the AMS Review – Sheth Foundation Doctoral Competition for Conceptual Articles in 2019. His recent work has been published in Annals of Tourism Research, and he presented at leading marketing conferences such as SERVSIG, QUIS, and AMS. Amir has extensive experience as a practitioner, working in the not-for-profit sector in the UK.